Meeting Abstract
S4-2.2 Friday, Jan. 4 Still Creationism After All These Years: Recognizing and Counteracting Intelligent Design FORREST, Barbara; Southeastern Louisiana University
Beginning with Judge John E. Jones III�s ruling in Kitzmiller et al. v. Dover Area School District (2005) that intelligent design is creationism and thus cannot be taught in public school science classes, creationists at the Discovery Institute�s Center for Science and Culture have suffered continuous setbacks. However, rather than accepting defeat, they continue their propaganda campaign, hoping that their �Wedge Strategy� will discredit evolution in the public mind and eventually create an opening for ID in science classrooms. Discovery Institute creationists have adjusted their strategy by adopting sanitized terminology with which their supporters can craft stealth ID proposals to present to state and local school boards. They have established a �research� institute in an attempt to maintain a facade of scientific authenticity. Even after the Kitzmiller decision, their successful promotion of ID continues to bear fruit in the form of proposed state legislation and local curriculum proposals. Both scientists and concerned laypersons must recognize and counteract the Discovery Institute�s post-Kitzmiller tactics.