Meeting Abstract
P3.79 Saturday, Jan. 5 �Influences of incubation humidity on development and function of kidney in the chicken, Gallus gallus domesticus.� BOLIN, GM*; BURGGREN, WW; University of North Texas; University of North Texas
Embryological development in avian species is influenced by a number of environmental factors, most notably temperature and humidity. Under normal conditions the chorioallantoic membrane and developing avian kidney work in unison to ensure a proper balance of ions and water within the egg. The effects of relative humidity on these systems remain unclear. White leghorn chicken eggs were incubated at 37.5°C±0.5°C and either <35% (L), 60% (normal=N) or >85% (H) relative humidity. Oxygen consumption, fluid osmolality, and uric acid analysis of wastes were examined in embryos from each population days (d) 10-18. The interaction between humidity level and development significantly affected mean oxygen consumption (Two-way ANOVA p=0.002). SNK post hoc test separated the data into distinct humidity groups on days 15, 17 and 18 as follows: 15N=15L>15H; 17N>17L=17H; 18N>18L=18H. The interaction between humidity level and development had a significant effect on mean allantoic fluid osmolality (Two-way ANOVA p=0.02), yielding the following distinct groups: 11L=11N>11H; 12L>12N=12H; 13L>13N=13H; 14L>14N>14H; 15L=15N>15H. Humidity alone had a significant effect on mean blood osmolality (Two-way ANOVA p=0.01) and separated the data into two distinct groups L>N=H. Both developmental day and humidity significantly effected mean uric acid concentrations (Two-way ANOVA p<0.001 for both, SNK N=L>H), the following distinct groups emerged: 10N=10L>10H; 11N=11L>11H. The overall benefits of this research are to better understand the role of the kidney during embryonic development and determine whether an environmental factor, such as humidity, can leave an imprint on morphological and physiological aspects of the urinary system and water compartments of the egg. These data show that incubation humidity significantly affects metabolism and developing kidney function in avian embryos.