Analysis of FGFEts target genes in the basal chordate Ciona intestinalis

Meeting Abstract

P3.111  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Analysis of FGF/Ets target genes in the basal chordate Ciona intestinalis WOZNICA, S.A.*; ZHEN, Y.; HARTZELL, A.; RAGKOUSI, K.; SWEENEY, S.; DAVIDSON, B.; University of Arizona; University of Arizona; University of Arizona; University of Arizona; University of Arizona; University of Arizona

Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling has a critical but poorly defined role in vertebrate heart cell specification. We are exploiting the genetic and cellular simplicity of the basal chordate Ciona intestinalis to explore the precise function of FGF in heart development. We have found that FGF signaling drives specification of the heart precursor cells through activation of an Ets family transcription factor (Ets1/2). Microarray analysis of gene expression from sorted heart lineage cells has led to the identification of candidate FGF/Ets target genes. We are currently studying the regulation and function of several candidate genes, including the transcription factors GATA, ELK and Hand-like as well as potential signaling factors such as ASB and Cyp26. Detailed analysis of the regulatory elements driving heart lineage specific expression of these targets will delineate the precise impact of FGF/Ets on the heart gene regulatory network. Functional analysis through misexpression and antisense morpholino knock-down will determine the specific roles of these genes in Ciona heart development. This research will provide the basis for collaborative efforts focused on identification of novel genes involved in vertebrate FGF signaling and cardiogenesis.

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