Effects of food containing nucleotide additive on the pyloric caeca Na+,K+-ATPase- α 1a and NKCC1 mRNA expression in young Caspian salmon, Salmo trutta caspius

Meeting Abstract

P1.20  Monday, Jan. 4  Effects of food containing nucleotide additive on the pyloric caeca Na+,K+-ATPase- α 1a and NKCC1 mRNA expression in young Caspian salmon, Salmo trutta caspius KHODABANDEH, S.*; OULAD, S.; ABEDIAN KENARI, A. M; Univ. of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran; Univ. of Tarbiat Modares; Univ. of Tarbiat Modares surp78@gmail.com

Na+,K+-ATPase (NKA) and Na+,K+,2Cl-cotransporter (NKCC) are generally recognized as playing a central role in cell volume homeostasis, maintenance of the electrolyte content and trans-epithelial ion and water movement in polarized cells. The influence of food additive nucleotide on pyloric caeca NKA- α 1a and NKCC1 mRNA expression was studied in Caspian Sea salmon juveniles (W=12 g). This trial was achieved in two levels of dietary nucleotide (0.25 % and 0.5% of additive nucleotide in meal-based diet) and a control group (0% additive nucleotide). Following 8 weeks raring, the juveniles fish (W= 26 g) were transferred into saline water (18 ppt). Following 72 hours acclimation, the pyloric caeca of 5 captured fish (from each group) were dissected. Investigation of NKA- α 1a mRNA expression in pyloric caeca indicate that food containing nucleotide additive possesses a significantly (P<0.05) effect on expression of this gene. Result showed that 0.5% of supplemented nucleotide presence a maximum of NKA- α 1a mRNA expression. Survey of NKCC1 mRNA expression also showed maximum volume in 0.5% received group in compare to two other groups. Results suggested that supplementation of nucleotide, significantly (P<0.05) influence on NKA- α 1a and NKCC1 mRNA expression in pyloric caeca of young Caspian salmon and can be effective on their osmoregulatory capacities.

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