Meeting Abstract
S10.1 Friday, Jan. 7 Donald William Thomas (1953-2009): the free expression of thoughts and ideas CAREAU, V; Université de Sherbrooke vincent.careau@usherbrooke.ca
Don died on May 30th 2009 at the age of 55, on his field site in Corsica where he was to do research on eco-physiology of blue tits. As his last PhD student, I am committed to tell Don’s academic story, highlight the diversity of his contributions to eco-physiology and describe his personality as both a young scientist and an accomplished researcher and experienced supervisor. Don was a question-driven empiricist with eclectic research interests. His presence in a conference room (or on a dance floor) was never unnoticed as he freely expressed his thoughts and ideas. His honesty and direct criticism – though potentially shocking for some – was very efficient in making scientific discussions productive. Everyone who had the unique privilege of knowing Don personally and working with him knows that he was one of the most enthusiastic and passionate scientist.