Session 78

Evolutionary Ecology

Day: Friday, Jan. 6, 8:20-11:40 AM
Room: Room 13

Organizer(s): Ryan Martin (8-10 am), Laura Wegener (8-10 am), Kevin Matson (10:20 am-Noon

Session Author(s) Title

HEINIGER, J*; VAN UITREGT, V; WILSON, R S Fine tuning anti-predator responses: are the costs of inducible predator defences proportional to the magnitude of the responses?

THAWLEY, C.J.*; ROBBINS, T.R.; LANGKILDE, T. Survival under pressure: lethal and sublethal effects of an invasive predator, the red imported fire ant, on a spiny lizard

MARTIN, R.A.*; PFENNIG, D.W. Ecological opportunity and competition predict widespread disruptive selection in the wild

RIESCH, Rüdiger*; MARTIN, Ryan A; LANGERHANS, R Brian Ecological causes of the joint evolution of life history and morphology during a post-Pleistocene radiation of Bahamas mosquitofish (Gambusia hubbsi)

WEGENER PARFREY, Laura*; KNIGHT, Rob Broad patterns in the diversity of eukaryotic microbes

MATSON, K.D.*; MAUCK, R.A.; LYNN, S.E.; TIELEMAN, B.I. Island life and innate immunity: combining comparative and experimental approaches to better understand avian immune system evolution

HAHN, D. Caldwell*; IGL, Lawrence; BURNETT, James; ERF, Gisela Evidence of parasite-mediated selection favoring evolution of more effective immune defenses: more immune constituents in eggs of avian brood parasites

COON, CAC*; MARTIN, LB Do changes in parasite prevalence facilitate range expansion of Kenyan house sparrows (Passer domesticus)?

LI, Jingchun Sponsorship required for permanent residency in sediment
the Society for
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