Session 63

Regulation of Behavior

Day: Friday, Jan. 6, 10:20 AM-Noon
Room: Ballroom C3

Organizer(s): Michelle Rensel, Sunny Scobell

Session Author(s) Title

SCOBELL, Sunny K. *; MACKENZIE, Duncan S.; JAQUES, John T.; JONES, Adam G. Androgens and female intrasexual aggression in the sex-role reversed Gulf pipefish

ERNST, D.F.K.*; BENTLEY, G.E. Social Isolation, Reproductive Physiology and Behavior in Male Zebra Finches

RENSEL, M.A.*; SALWICZEK, L.; HSIAO, C.F.; XIA, S.; REMAGE-HEALEY, L.; SCHLINGER, B. In vivo Microdialysis Reveals Dynamics of Estradiol Production in the Avian Hippocampus

DLUGOSZ, E.M.*; HARRIS, B.N.; SALTZMAN, W.; CHAPPELL, M.A. Aerobic Physiology, Locomotor Behavior, and Glucocorticoids in California Mice

ACOSTA, Wendy*; MEEK, Tom H.; SCHUTZ, Heidi; DLUGOSZ, Elizabeth M.; VU, Kim T.; GARLAND, Theodore Jr. Effects of early-onset voluntary exercise on adult physical activity in mice selectively bred for high voluntary wheel running
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