Session 109

Immune: Energetics

Day: Saturday, Jan. 7, 10:20 AM-Noon
Room: Room 12

Organizer(s): Erica Crespi, Travis Wilcoxen

Session Author(s) Title

WILCOXEN, Travis E*; HORN, David J; CERNY, Jared; HOGAN, Brianna; HUBBLE, Cody; HUBER, Sarah; KNOTT, Madeline; ROBERTSON, Abigail; SALIK, Faaria The buzz about food: songbird physiology in response to increased availability of a natural food source.

DURANT, S.E.*; HAWLEY, D.M.; ADELMAN, J.S.; WILSON, A.F; HOPKINS, W.A. Infection and cold stress result in additive energetic costs and altered host immunity in a naturally occurring host-pathogen system.

NAN TIE, D.E.*; KILLPACK, T.L.; KARASOV, W.H. Effect of food restriction and realimentation on growth, immune response, and body composition in Zebra finches

CRESPI, Erica J.*; FITES, J. Scott; ROLLINS-SMITH, Louise A. Leptin enhances proliferation of amphibian lymphocytes

RICHARDSON, C.S.*; CURLEY, B.; DAVIS, F. The Effect of Circadian Disruption on Metabolic Rate and Immune Function in Vasoactive Intestinal Protein (VIP) Deficient Mice
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