Session 72

Complementary session: A new organismal systems biology: How animals walk the tightrope between stability and change

Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 08:00-10:00
Room: 412

Session Chair(s): Diana Padilla, Brian Tsukimura

Session Author(s) Title

HEDGECOCK, D.*; MANAHAN, D.T. Controlling Nature & Nurture: Why experiments with wild type are insufficient for understanding adaptation to environmental change

APPLEBAUM, S.L.*; PAN, F.; HEDGECOCK, D.; MANAHAN, D.T. Genetically determined shifts in metabolic energy allocation in response to ocean acidification

PAN, F.*; APPLEBAUM, S.L.; SAWYER, R.J.; MANAHAN, D.T. Ocean acidification alters energy allocation in developing sea urchins

MANAHAN, D.T.*; APPLEBAUM, S.L.; PAN, F. Genes, genomes and proteins – the challenge of making physiological predictions

PODOLSKY, RD*; BENFIELD, C; DOOLEY, T Using gamete characteristics to model fertilization kinetics in latitudinal comparisons of fertilization success for sea urchins under variable temperature and pCO2

DIVINO, J.N.*; MCCORMICK, S.D.; SCHULTZ, E.T. Examining Physiological Evolution in Derived Freshwater Threespine Sticklebacks

STAMPER, SA*; PLOCH, C; FORTUNE, ES; COWAN, NJ During closed-loop refuge tracking, Eigenmannia virescens tunes its active sensing behavior to the length and features of the moving refuge

MADHAV, M.S.*; STAMPER, S.A.; FORTUNE, E.S.; COWAN, N.J. Closed-loop stabilization of the Jamming Avoidance Response reveals its locally unstable and globally nonlinear dynamics
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