Session 107

Complementary session: Adaptation or developmental constraint? Uniting evolutionary theory and empirical studies

Day: Tuesday, Jan. 7, 08:00-09:15
Room: 408

Session Chair(s): Jeanette Wyneken

Session Author(s) Title

WYNEKEN, J; LOLAVAR, A; TEZAK, B M* Temperature, Moisture and Male Production in Marine Turtle Nests… Oh What a Maze

REDDON, A/R*; HURD, P/L Water pH during early development influences sex ratio and male morph in a West African cichlid fish, Pelvicachromis pulcher

HOOD, W.R. Maternal diet, developmental plasticity, and reproductive fitness in the house mouse

HEIDINGER, BJ*; HERBORN, KA; BONER, W; NOGUERA, JC; ADAM, A; DAUNT, F; MONAGHAN, P Long-term costs of early stress exposure: are telomeres an important link?

SEWALL, KB*; SOHA, JA; PETERS, S; NOWICKI, S A possible trade-off between song and a cognitive metric in song sparrows
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