Session 84

Evolution and Comparative Genomics: Invertebrates

Day: Tuesday, Jan. 6, 10:15-12:00
Room: 2D

Organizer(s): Daniel Speiser, Rob Haney

Session Author(s) Title

SEVIGNY, J.L.*; THOMAS, W.K.; RAMSDELL, J.S.; SHARIFI, O.; GREWAL, S.S.; BAYSDORFER, C.; CURR, K.; MURRAY, J.A.; NEWCOMB, J.M. The mitochondrial genomes of the nudibranch mollusks, Melibe leonina and Tritonia diomedea, and their impact on gastropod phylogeny

SPEISER, D.I.*; KINGSTON, A; RAMIREZ, M.D.; OAKLEY, T.H. Characterizing the molecular components of phototransduction in the eyes and aesthetes of chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora)

PORATH-KRAUSE, AJ*; PAIRETT, AN; FAGGIONATO, D; SERB, JM Structure and spatial expression differences among duplicated rhabdomeric opsins indicate functional change in photoreception of the scallop

KOSMAN, E.T.*; LEVITAN, D.R. Interactions between molecular and physiological gamete traits on fertilization success under sperm-limiting and polyspermy conditions

HANEY, RA*; CLARKE, TH; HAYASHI, CY; AYOUB , NA; GARB, JE Evolutionary transcriptomics of the venom gland in widow spiders

STANTON , DS Time Enough at Last: Identification and Analysis of Core Clock Proteins and the Evolution of ARNT and PERIOD in the Lower Bilateria
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