Session 28

Energetics and Metabolism II

Day: Monday, Jan. 4, 13:30-15:15
Room: B113

Organizer(s): Karine Salin, Chuck Booth

Session Author(s) Title

JIMENEZ, A.G. Physiological underpinnings in life-history trade-offs in man’s most popular selection experiment: the dog.

BRYCE, C.M.*; HOUGHTALING, P.; WILMERS, C.C.; WILLIAMS, T.M. Energetics and evasion dynamics of large predators and prey: pumas vs. hounds

SALIN, K.*; AUER, S.K.; RUDOLF, A.M.; ANDERSON, G.J.; SELMAN, C.; METCALFE, N.B. Mitochondrial properties as the proximate cause of variation in whole-animal metabolic rate

ALTIMIRAS, J*; GARITANO-ZAVALA, A Heart size limits metabolic scope in tinamous, the most primitive flying birds

KAUR, M.*; LINVILLE, M.C.; RASNIC, C.; REDMOND, S.B.; DAVIS, J.E. Super-fly! The effects of Vespa Amino Acid Mixture on endurance, mortality, metabolic and mitochondrial function in Musca domestica

O’MARA, M.T.*; VOIGT, C.C.; TER MAAT, A; POLLOCK, H.S.; BURNESS, G.P.; DESANTIS, L.M.; DECHMANN, D.K.N. Rapid Metabolic Rates and Physiological Counter-Strategies in Tent-Making Bats

NOREN, D.P.*; HOLT, M.M.; DUNKIN, R.C.; WILLIAMS, T.M. Echolocation is Cheap for One Vertebrate: Dolphins Conserve Oxygen while Producing High-Intensity Clicks at Depth


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