Symposium Schedule

SICB Annual Meeting 2016
January 3-7, 2016
Oregon Convention Center – Portland, OR

2016 Portland Symposium Schedule

January 4

  1. Neuroecology: Neural Mechanisms of Sensory and Motor Processes that Mediate Ecologically Relevant Behaviors
    Organizer: Jeff Riffell & Ashlee Rowe ; Sponsors: DAB, DCB, DCE, DEE, DNB, & AMS

  2. Life on the Edge: the Biology of Organisms Inhabiting Extreme Environments
    Organizer: Annie Lindgren; Sponsors: DCPB & DVM

  3. Parasites and Pests in Motion: Biology, Biodiversity and Climate Change (SICB wide)
    Organizers: Christopher B. Boyko & Jason Williams; Sponsors: TCS, DEDE, DEE, & DIZ

January 5

  1. Extraocular, Nonvisual, and Simple Photoreceptors
    Organizers: Thomas Cronin & Sonke Johnsen; Sponsors: DCPB, DIZ, DNB, & AMS

  2. The Morphological Diversity of Intromittent Organs
    Organizers: Brandon Moore & Diane Kelly; Sponsors: DCB, DCE, DIZ, & AMS

  3. Evolutionary Endocrinology: Hormones as mediators of evolutionary phenomena (SICB wide)
    Organizers: Robert Cox, Joel McGlothlin & Frances Bonier; Sponsors: DAB, DCE, DEDB, DEE, DPCB

January 6

  1. Are Migratory Animals Superspreaders of Infection?
    Organizers: Alexa Fritzsche McKay& Bethany Hoye; Sponsors: DAB & DEDE

  2. Integrative and Comparative Biology of Venom
    Organizers: Marymegan Daly & Lisle Gibbs; Sponsors: DCPB, DEE, DIZ, DNB & DPCB

  3. Beyond the Mean: Biological Impacts of Changing Patterns of Temperature Variation
    Organizers: Michael Dillon, Art Woods & Michael Sears; Sponsors: DAB, DCE, DCPB, DEE, & DIZ

January 7

  1. A Bigger Picture: Organismal Function at the Nexus of Development, Ecology, and Evolution
    Organizers: Sharlene E. Santana & Paul Gignac; Sponsors: DCB & DVM

  2. Tapping the Power of Crustacean Transcriptomes to Address Grand Challenges in Comparative Biology
    Organizers: Donald Mykles, Karen Burnett, David Durica & Jonathon Stillman; Sponsors: TCS, DCE, DCPB, DEDB, DIZ & DNB

  3. New Frontiers in the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior: Nothing in Neuroscience Makes Sense Except in the Light of Behavior (SICB wide)
    Organizers: Suzy Renn, Hans Hofmann & Dustin Rubenstein; Sponsors: DAB, DCE, DEE & DNB

the Society for
Integrative &