Session 44

Behavioral Endocrinology

Day: Friday, Jan. 6, 08:00-09:45
Room: 221

Organizer(s): Michelle Beck, Kendra Sewall

Session Author(s) Title

BECK, ML*; DAVIES, S; SEWALL, KB Does melanin-based coloration signal quality in song sparrows? Associations between melanin, hormones, condition, and behavior

WELKLIN, JF*; LANTZ, SM; BOERSMA, JP; SCHWABL, HG; WEBSTER, MS The Role of Androgens in Mediating Social Environment and Ornament Expression in an Australian Songbird

BENTZ, AB*; NIEDERHUTH, C; CARRUTH, L; NAVARA, KJ The Mechanistic Role of Maternal Hormones in Programming Offspring Aggression

SEWALL, KB*; DAVIES, S Neural activation in response to playback differs between urban and rural song sparrows

CABRERA-ÁLVAREZ, M*; BATTESTI, M; SWANEY, WT; READER, SM Grouping Behaviour in Guppies after Intracranial Nonapeptide Administration

MüLLER, M. S. *; VYSSOTSKI, A. L. ; YAMAMOTO, M. ; YODA, K. Fight-or-flight Responses in a Free-living Seabird Consistently Differ between Individuals, Vary with Body Condition and are Dominated by a Decrease in Parasympathetic Activity

ROSVALL , KA*; BUECHLEIN, A; PETERSON, MP; GEORGE, EM; TANG, H; RUSCH, D; KETTERSON, ED Transcriptional mechanisms linking prior social challenges and future phenotype
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