Session 39

Complementary to S3 – Molecular and Neuroendocrine Approaches to the Study of Evolutionary Tradeoffs: Food, Sex, Stress, and Longevity

Day: Friday, Jan. 6, 08:00-09:30
Room: 214

Organizer(s): Jeremy Brozek, Carolyn Bauer

Session Author(s) Title

AMUNUGAMA, K; JIAO, L; OLBRICHT, G.R; WALKER, C; HUANG, Y-W; NAM, P; HOU, C* Cellular oxidative damage is more sensitive to biosynthetic rate than to metabolic rate: A test of the theoretical model on hornworms (Manduca sexta larvae)

ZERA, AJ New insights on the roles of juvenile hormone, ecdysteroids and insulin-like peptides as regulators of wing polymorphism

BAUER, CM*; GRAHAM, JL; ABOLINS-ABOLS, M; HEIDINGER, BJ; KETTERSON, ED; GREIVES, TJ Early breeding female Dark-eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis) have shorter telomeres

SWANSON, EM*; SNELL-ROOD, EC The evolution of hormonal control of life histories: a case study with juvenile hormone

VERHULST, S Telomeres and Life Histories; Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going?

BROZEK, J.M.*; SCHNEIDER, J.E.; RHINEHART, E. Food restriction of mothers during gestation alters offspring growth and adult behavior in Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus).
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