Session 16

Elastic Mechanisms

Day: Thursday, Jan. 5, 10:00-12:00
Room: 215-216

Organizer(s): Manny Azizi, Jeffrey Olberding

Session Author(s) Title

ROSARIO, MV*; SUTTON, GP; PATEK, SN; SAWICKI, GS The springs of time-limited bullfrog jumps and slow-preparation grasshopper leaps are tuned to their muscle dynamics

YAWAR, A*; KORPAS, LM; LUGO-BOLANOS, M; MANDRE, S; VENKADESAN, M Bending-stretching coupling in the human foot: Role of the transverse arch

ABBOTT, EM*; AZIZI, E; ABBOTT, Emily When springs have sprung: tendon recoil rates at different temperatures

RANKIN, JW*; BLASDELL, K; MCGOWAN, CP New Insights Into the Hill-type Muscle Model: A Comparison Between Simulated and Directly Measured Muscle Fiber Length Changes During Jumping in Kangaroo Rats

OLBERDING, JP*; DEBAN, SM The interaction of scale and temperature in elastically powered movements

PATEK, S.N.*; AZIZI, M.; BHAMLA, M.S.; COX, S.; ILTON, M.; KIM, Y.; KOH, J.; KUO, J.; MA, X.; PRAKASH, M.; SUTTON, G.P.; TEMEL, Z. Extreme power amplification in biological systems

KUO, C-Y*; RUTA, A; THOMPSON, C; PATEK, SN Extreme asymmetry in the energy transfer rate of trap-jaw ant mandibles

DEBAN, SM*; BLOOM, SV; O’DONNELL, MK; OLBERDING, JP; STINSON, CM; SCALES, JA Evolution of a high performance and functionally robust musculoskeletal system
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