Division of Botany

Division Information

About DOB: 

The Division of Botany is the newest SICB division, and was formed to encourage the inclusion of plants in the study of comparative patterns and integration in biology. Our members include longtime members of SICB who are interested in plants as well as plant biologists who have recently joined the society. The Division sponsors Best Student Presentation awards, and encourages the integration of plant biology into areas studied in other divisions.  We have a young, diverse membership and all are welcome to join our division. 

DOB Officers: 
WP Table Builder
DOB Bylaws

View DOB Bylaws here.


Divisional Members Meeting Minutes

Minutes of past divisional Members Meetings are available here. Members Meetings occur each year in association with the annual society-wide conference in January.


Congratulations go out to Haley Branch, who received the 2021 Best Student Oral Presentation award, and Jenna Miladin, who received the 2021 award for Best Student Poster Presentation in the division.

Rising Star in Organismal Botany Award

Rising Star in Organismal Botany Award Winners
2020, Ya Min (Harvard University) & Grey Monroe (Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology)

2019, Morgan Furze (Harvard University)

Rising Star in Organismal Botany Participants

2020 2019
Colin Morrison (The University of Texas at Austin) Liming Cai (Harvard University)
Meghan Blumstein (Harvard University) Maia Jones (California Academy of Sciences)
Grey Monroe (Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology) Cody Howard (University of Florida)
Courtney Gorman (University of Konstanz) Morgan Furze (Harvard University)
Courtney Babin (University of New Orleans) Anna Westermeier (University of Freiburg)
Cecilia Zumajo-Cardona (The New York Botanical Garden) Justin Jorge (Duke University)
Ya Min (Harvard University) Morgan Moeglein (Yale University)
Amanda Katzer (University of Kansas) Andrew Swafford (UC Santa Barbara)

Career and Resources

SICB’s job board can be found here.

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