Session 64

Division of Evolutionary Developmental Biology Best Student Presentations

Day: Friday, Jan. 5, 13:30-15:30
Room: Salons 3-4

Organizer(s): Julia Bowsher, Yui Suzuki

Session Author(s) Title

POWERS, AK*; KAPLAN, SA; BOGGS, TE; GROSS, JB Two unusual mechanisms explain cranial bone fragmentation in cavefish

ROCK, AQ*; STEPHENSON, TB; DUBUC, TQ; MARTINDALE, MQ The maternally expressed Hox gene Ax6a is required for gastrulation and the formation of bilateral symmetry in the cnidarian Nematostella vectensis.

ARMSTRONG, AF*; GROSBERG, RK The beginning of the end: gene expression changes in the evolution of non-feeding larvae

SEARS, CR*; GROSS, JB The RNA Architecture of Life in the Dark: A Transcriptomic Assessment of Varying Photic Conditions in the Blind Mexican Cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus

COLGAN, W/N*; LLOSA, I; HARRIS, L; LEANZA, A; HWANG, A; DEBIASSE, M; RYAN, J; DAVIDSON, B Evolution of Chordate Heart Gene Regulatory Networks

CARRILLO-BALTODANO, A*; MEYER, N Decoupling Brain from Nerve Cord Development in the Annelid Capitella teleta

CHAVAN, AR*; GRIFFITH, OW; MAZIARZ, J; PAVLICEV, M; TZIKA, A; MILINKOVITCH, M; FISHMAN, R; KOREN, L; WAGNER, G Evolution of embryo implantation was enabled by the origin of decidual cells in eutherian mammals

SALINAS-SAAVEDRA, M*; MARTINDALE, MQ Is the maintenance of cell polarity coupled to stable cell-cell adhesion? Insights from early branching metazoan embryos.
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