Pheromone Capture in Moth Antennae

Meeting Abstract

47-3  Tuesday, Jan. 5 10:45  Pheromone Capture in Moth Antennae SPENCER, T*; BALLARD, M; KALAITZIDOU, K; ALEXEEV, A; HU, D; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology

Moths are reported to smell each other from over 7 miles away, locating each other with just 200 airborne molecules. In this study, we investigate how the structure of the antennae influences particle capture. We measure the branching patterns of over 40 species of moths, across two orders of magnitude in weight. We find that moth antennae have 3 levels of hierarchy, with dimensions on each level scaling with body size. We perform lattice-Boltzman simulations to determine optimal flow patterns around antennae branches allowing for capture of small particles. Using a combination of molding and soft lithography techniques we create a physical replica of the moth antenna on a 1:1 scale.

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