Characterization of gene expression profiles associated with light and temperature induced spawning in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis

Meeting Abstract

42-4  Tuesday, Jan. 5 09:00  Characterization of gene expression profiles associated with light and temperature induced spawning in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis CROWDER, C*; BABONIS, L; MEYER, E; MARTINDALE, M; WEIS, V; CROWDER, camerr; Oregon State University; Whitney Laboratory for Marine Biosciences; Oregon State University; Whitney Laboratory for Marine Biosciences; Oregon State University

The induction of spawning in the sea anemone, Nematostella vectensis, is predictably associated with in an increase in temperature and light. Although, these variables have been identified as triggers, little is known about the transduction events and molecular mechanisms that coordinate gametogenesis and spawning. Global gene expression profiling using RNA-Seq analysis allows for an unbiased assessment of transcriptome level gene expression throughout time. Here we examine the expression and abundance of N. vectensis transcripts throughout light and temperature induced spawning at 8 time points prior to, during, and after spawning. N. vectensis is a model species, within the phylum Cnidaria, and an examination of the transcriptomic regulation of spawning will identify key cnidarian reproductive pathways as well as compliment previous works detailing gene expression changes associated with development.

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