Meeting Abstract
Our goal in organizing this symposium is to bring together researchers interested in the links between mitochondrial properties and key traits that contribute to individual variation in fitness, such as growth, reproductive performance and longevity. By encouraging talks that combine physiological ecology, evolutionary genomics, gerontology and metabolic biochemistry we seek to bridge the gap between physiologists, ecologists and evolutionary biologists. We organised the session around 3 key inter-related topics: energy metabolism, oxidative stress, and mitonuclear interactions. Conceptual overlap between talks and topics are encouraged. The main symposium include ten presentations by a diverse group of invited speakers who have introduced cutting-edge mitochondrial function measurements to ecological and evolutionary biology. The companion oral and poster session will give other SICB delegates the opportunity to present at the meeting. Our primary aim in organizing this symposium is to bring together researchers who would not otherwise interact. We acknowledge financial support from Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology (DCPB and DCE), the National Science Foundation, The Canadian Society of Zoology and the Company of Biologists.