2017 Press Releases


Authors Newswise Article Other News Pickup Abstract
Justin Havird, Colorado State University Orchids mimic human BO to attract mosquitos
Devin P. Merullo, University of Wisconsin-Madison Corals may show complex, coordinated behavior Abstract
Phoebe Edwards, University of Toronto The technological potential of earwax

Julie Charbonnier, Virginia Commonwealth University The mystery of the earless toads Abstract
Medhavi Amberdar, Oklahoma State University Bats avoid collisions by calling less in a crowd

Kaitlyn Lowder, Scripps Institution of Oceanography Bio-inspired suction cups withstand more than splashes

Emily Elderbrock, University of Memphis Sticky toes provide clues to evolution Abstract
Ashley Booth, Nicholls State University Neonicotinoid pesticide affects foraging and social interaction in bumblebees


They can all be viewed at http://www.newswise.com/institutions/newsroom/3490/

Other SICB papers that were picked up by the press:

Article Abstract
Scaly wings help these butterflies soar Abstract
Watch a zebra turn its tail into a surprisingly effective fly swatter Abstract
How the slimy hagfish ties itself up in knots – and survives shark attacks
This video reveals why there’s no clean way to peel an orange Abstract
Watch an elephant pick up a tortilla chip with her trunk – without breaking it Abstract
Why large dogs live fast – and die young
How do gut microbes help herbivores? Counting the ways (on the SICB wide Symposium, With a Little Help from My Friends: Microbial Partners in Integrative and Comparative Biology, Organized by Kevin Kohl & Denise Dearing)
It takes guts for a sea spider to pump blood
the Society for
Integrative &