Session 77

Comparative Genomics

Day: Sunday, Jan. 6, 08:15-09:00
Room: 19

Organizer(s): Ryan McCleary, Christine Schnitzler

Session Author(s) Title

CHOUDHURY, M; MCCLEARY, RJR*; KESHERWANI, M; KINI, RM; VELMURUGAN, D A Multi-Technique Comparison of the Venoms of Two Medically-Important Elapid Snakes, the Indian Cobra (Naja naja) and the Common Krait (Bungarus caeruleus)

DEBIASSE, MB*; BABONIS, LS; KOREN, S; SCHNITZLER, CE; MARTINDALE, MQ; RYAN, JF The complete genome sequence of Beroe ovata, a tentacle-less, ctenophore-chomping ctenophore

LOWER, SE*; FALLON, TR; CHANG, C; BESSHO-UEHARA, M; MARTIN, GJ; BEWICK, AJ; BEHRINGER, M; DEBAT, HJ; WONG, I; DAY, JC; SUVOROV, A; SILVA, CJ; Stanger-Hall, KF, University of Georgia; Hall, DW, University of Georgia; Schmitz, RJ, University of Georgia; Nelson, DR, University of Tennessee; Lewis, SM, Tufts University; Shigenobu, S, National Institute for Basic Biology; Bybee, SM, Brigham Young University; Larracuente, AM, University of Rochester; Oba, Y, Chubu University; Weng, J, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Firefly genomes illuminate parallel origins of bioluminescence in beetles

SCHNITZLER, CE*; NGUYEN, A-D; KOREN, S; GAHAN, JM; BARREIRA, S; SANDERS, SM; PHILLIPPY, A; MULLIKIN, J; CARTWRIGHT, P; NICOTRA, M; FRANK, U; BAXEVANIS, AD New Kid on the Block: Placing the Hydractinia Genome within the Context of Established Cnidarian Genomes
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