Immediate transcriptional response of Megachile rotundata to a temperature pulse under a fluctuating thermal regime

Meeting Abstract

21-4  Friday, Jan. 4 10:45 – 11:00  Immediate transcriptional response of Megachile rotundata to a temperature pulse under a fluctuating thermal regime MELICHER, DM*; YOCUM, GD; TORSON, AS; RINEHART, JP; United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service; United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service; University of Western Ontario; United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service

Insects demonstrate a remarkable ability to tolerate a broad range of internal temperatures caused by daily thermoperiod and seasonal variation in ecological conditions. Fluctuating thermal regimes (FTR) have been shown to extend longevity and reduce mortality under long-term cold storage for multiple insect species by allowing recovery from accumulated chill injury. Under FTR the Alfalfa leafcutting bee, Megachile rotundata are maintained at 6°C with a daily warm pulse lasting one hour at 20°C with one hour ramping up and down. We profile the short-term transcriptional response of M. rotundata to FTR by sequencing bees sampled before, during, and after the warm pulse, compared to those held at Constant Low Temperature (CLT). We identify differentially expressed genes, enriched functional classes of proteins, and pathways that respond to the warm pulse and identify genes that may be associated with the protective effects of FTR. Specifically we focus on those associated with oxidative stress response, cell membrane and membrane-bound proteins, and restoration of ion balance and contrast short-term versus long-term response to chill injury.

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