Symposium P2-1

Symposium P2

Development: Invertebrate developmental neurobiology

Day: Jan. 7/8 (Tue/Wed)
Room: Sheraton Hall

# Author(s) Title
P2.1 GIFONDORWA, D.J.; LEISE, E.M. Programmed Cell Death is Inhibited by Nitric Oxide in the Apical Ganglion during the Metamorphosis of the Marine Mollusc Ilyanassa obsoleta
P2.2 SHIGENO, S.; AGATA, K.; YAMAMOTO, M. Neural network formation in the embryonic brain of decapodiform cephalopods: evidence for conservative molluscan orthogon and evolutionary origin of higher integration centers
P2.3 MARTINEZ, V.G.; ZORAN, M.J. Giant Axon Morphallaxis During Segmental Regeneration Of Lumbriculus variegatus
P2.4 UMESONO, Y; CEBRIA, F; NAKAZAWA, M; MINETA, K; GOJOBORI, T; AGATA, K Molecular dissection of planarian brain
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