Session 56

Fluid flow 2

Day: Jan. 7 (Tue)
Room: Dominion North

Organizer(s): S. Vogel, J. Voltzow

Session Author(s) Title
56.1 VON DASSOW, M. Chimney Formation and Plasticity in a Bryozoan
56.2 VOLTZOW, J. Principally Continuous Flow in Gastropod Mantle Cavities
56.3 PATEK, S.N.*; GOLDMAN, J.A. More than one way to sniff: a comparative analysis of palinurid lobster antennules
56.4 MEAD, K.S. Odor Sampling In Wavy Environments: How Does Ambient Flow Affect Olfactory Flicking In Stomatopods?
56.5 SMITH, A.M.*; STARTZ, T.; RAHME, D.; PIERCE, C. Proteins characteristic of the adhesive mucus of molluscs and their potential role in determining gel function.
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