Department Head – Department of Biological Sciences at North Carolina State University (NC State)

Posted on November 21, 2023

The Department of Biological Sciences at North Carolina State University (NC State) invites applications for the position of Department Head. The appointment will be at the level of tenured full professor. We seek an ambitious and innovative leader with a creative, sustainable vision for a multidisciplinary biological science department at a large land-grant university that has a broad campus-wide environment of cutting-edge research and teaching. Potential candidates must have a Ph.D. in a field represented in Biological Sciences or a very closely related field. Potential candidates should also have strong organizational, communication, and leadership skills, experience in teaching and mentoring, a broad understanding of biological sciences, a strong research program, and exceptional scholarly achievements. Prior successful administrative or programmatic leadership experience is desirable. Prior experience and demonstrable skills in leading and managing programs, within modern land-grant universities is desirable.

Review of applications will begin on December 15, 2023; the position will remain open until filled.

For more information and to apply, please see:

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