Meeting Abstract
P1.196 Saturday, Jan. 4 15:30 Teaching with data and student perception of active learning and inverted classroom VON WETTBERG, E.J*; MANTHEY, S; MCPADDEN, D; Florida International University; Florida International University; Florida International University eric.vonwettberg@fiu.edu
Creating learner-centered classrooms through the inversion of instruction has the potential to create more engaged students and improve student achievement at a time of rising enrollments and cutbacks. In a large enrollment upper-division majors’ Evolutionary Biology course at a large minority serving university, the primary activities in the classroom have been modified to focus on the use of models, simulations, and data analysis, which include searches of online museum records through the quaardvark portal, and the professor’s own experimental datasets. We present the results of student feedback for the in-class activities, and statistical analysis of student comprehension of specific evolution-based subjects, such as sexual selection. Equally importantly, we present the effects of inverted instruction on student performance on a concept inventory pre/post-test.