Meeting Abstract
27.5 Monday, Jan. 5 Patterns of genetic variation of the corallimorpharian Ricordea florida RHYNE, Andrew L.*; TORRES-PRATTS, Hernan; LADO-INSUA, Tania; RODRIGUEZ, Luis; SCHIZAS, Nikolaos; Roger Williams University; University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez; University of Vigo, Spain; University of Puerto Rico, Ponce; University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez arhyne@rwu.edu
The long-distance dispersal potential of marine larvae is crucial to the maintenance of populations. As part of a research initiative to estimate the connectivity patterns of Caribbean benthic communities, we examined the genetic variation of the corallimorpharian Ricordea florida. Ricordea florida is distributed throughout the Caribbean region and is heavily harvested in the marine aquarium trade. Samples were collected from four geographically distant Caribbean locations (Curao, Florida, Guadeloupe and Puerto Rico). Analysis of the nuclear region consisted of ITS1, 5.8S, ITS2 uncovered two geographically partially overlapping genetic lineages in R. florida, within the sampled locations. Lineage 1 was found in Florida and Puerto Rico and Lineage 2 was found in Florida, Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe and Curao. Pairwise distance comparisons showed less variability within lineages than between. Preliminary data from cloning of ITS-1 showed that the intra-individual divergence is lower that the divergence between lineages (but higher between individuals of the same lineage). The highly traded R. florida is consisted of two distinct genetic lineages that probably represent two cryptic species.