Meeting Abstract
41.7 Thursday, Jan. 5 Evidence for Local Adaptation of Life History Traits in the Mangrove Rivulus (Kryptolebias marmoratus) GARCIA, M.J.*; STANLEY, S.; VAUGHN, S.; EARLEY, R.L.; TAYLOR, DS; University of Alabama; University of Alabama; University of Alabama; University of Alabama; Brevard County Environmentally Endangered Lands Program mjgarcia@crimson.ua.edu
Variation in life history traits can be observed both within and between populations. This variation can result from individuals exhibiting phenotypic plasticity in response to local conditions, adaptation, or a combination thereof. The aim of this study was to evaluate genetic contributions to life history variation (fecundity and reproductive investment) using a powerful, genetically tractable model, the mangrove rivulus. This hermaphroditic fish possess the unique ability to self fertilize; isogenic strains can result from extensive inbreeding through selfing. Thirty-three isogenic strains were derived from field caught individuals collected from seven geographic locations on the east and west coasts of mainland Florida and the Florida Keys. Seven individuals of the F2 generation were collected from each strain and were raised under standard common garden conditions. At three months individuals were monitored daily for viable egg production (age of maturity) and subsequent clutches of eggs (inter-clutch interval) were collected. Eggs were measured (diameter in mm) to determine egg size; a proxy from gamete investment. Fecundity and reproductive investment were then examined to determine differences within- and between-lineages, populations, and geographical scales. Information gleaned from this study may shed light on how variable selection pressures across multiple scales might shape life history traits.