Meeting Abstract
S2.1-3 Saturday, Jan. 4 09:00 Developmental stress, song learning and cognition PETERS, S.*; SEARCY, W.A.; NOWICKI, S.; Duke University; University of Miami; Duke University speters@duke.edu
The evolution of enhanced cognitive ability has sometimes been attributed to sexual selection. An association between male mating success and cognitive ability could arise either through male-male competition or through female choice. Especially in the latter case, sexual selection would act more readily if males advertised their cognitive ability through display. Most traits involved in sexual display, however, seem unlikely to have any inherent relationship with cognition beyond that which arises through the effect of cognitive abilities on resource acquisition and, in turn, the effect of resource acquisition on development of the display trait. In contrast, for displays whose development and expression require learning, a direct link with cognition is possible because of a shared dependence on brain function. The parallel effects of developmental stress on song learning and cognition provide a compelling explanation for an association between song attributes and cognitive ability. We outline the hypothesis that sexually selected song qualities serve as an indicator of cognitive abilities. We first present evidence that song learning is itself a challenging cognitive task. We then give evidence that sexual selection favors well-learned song. Next, we review evidence that song and general cognitive ability are both affected by developmental stresses. Finally, we present recent experimental data testing the relationship between song and other cognitive abilities.