Female mate choice based on male acoustic displays in domino damselfish, Dascyllus albisella

OLIVER,S.J.*; LOBEL,P.S.: Female mate choice based on male acoustic displays in domino damselfish, Dascyllus albisella

Male Dascyllus albisella produce an acoustic and visual courtship display. A tagged population of fish (29 males and 31 females)at Johnston Atoll (Central Pacific Ocean) were observed for three months to assess the correlates of male mating success. Phenotypic, behavioral, and territorial characteristics of males were measured and compared to male mating success (measured as ratio of clutches receiver per 6-day mating cycle) No component of male phenotypic quality or territory quality was significantly correlated to mating success. Only the acoustic call repetition rate was significantly correlated to male mating success. Previous work on damselfish suggests that call repetition rate is indicative of energetic reserves, which was reflected in higher quality paternal care of eggs. This suggests males are advertising their available energy as an indication of the quality of paternal care they are likely to provide to eggs. We examine this data with reference to prevailing theory, particularly the good genes versus good parent process hypotheses of sexual selection.

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