Session 26

Biomaterials II

Day: Thursday, Jan. 5, 13:45-15:30
Room: 211-213

Organizer(s): Christopher Kenaley, Marianne Porter

Session Author(s) Title

HALL, GJ*; DEAN, MN; PORTER, MM Mechanical Behavior of a Biomimetic Chondrichthyan Feeding Mechanism: Influence of Dentition Patterns

KRUPPERT, S*; HORSTMANN, M; WEISS, LC; WITZEL, U; SCHABER, CF; GORB, SN; TOLLRIAN, R Biomechanical properties of a predator induced body armor in the freshwater crustacean Daphnia

NGUYEN, KD*; YU, N; BANDI, MM; VENKADESAN, M; MANDRE, S Curvature-induced stiffening of rayed fins

DITSCHE, P; JACKSON, P; WOOSTER, A; ASPELUND, L; TURINGAN, R; PENROD, L; DUMONT, B; FERRY, L; WILGA, C* Biomechanical properties of the jaw and hyoid cartilage in elasmobranchs

LOWDER, KB*; TAYLOR, JRA Building specialized armor: investigation of the complex exoskeleton of the California spiny lobster

DEAN, MN*; HOSNY, A; KNOETEL, D; SEIDEL, R; LUGER, AM; WAINWRIGHT, D; BLUMER, M; BAUM, D Bricks and anchors: strategies for load bearing and muscle attachment in the cartilage skeletons of sharks and rays

BARRIOS, A/S*; PAIG-TRAN, E/WM Freezing Effects on the Anosteocytic Bone of the Pacific Mackerel (Scomber japonicus)
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