Meeting Abstract 105.6 Thursday, Jan. 7 “Bending” the Rules: The role of cardiovascular exercise responses in protecting the brain of diving marine mammals WILLIAMS, T.M.**; NOREN, S.R.; BERRY, P.S.; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; Disney Animal Programs-The Seas, Orlando, FL Cardiovascular adjustments associated with the dive response have long been considered […]
year: 2010
What does it take to exercise while holding your breath The underlying secrets of myoglobin regulation in seal muscle cells
Meeting Abstract 105.1 Thursday, Jan. 7 What does it take to exercise while holding your breath? The underlying secrets of myoglobin regulation in seal muscle cells. DE MIRANDA JR., M.A.*; CABLE, A.E.; KANATOUS, S.B.; Colorado State University ; Colorado State University; Colorado State University The purpose of this study was to determine if cultured Weddell seal […]
Effects of Dehydration on Cardiovascular Development in Alligator mississippiensis
Meeting Abstract 105.4 Thursday, Jan. 7 Effects of Dehydration on Cardiovascular Development in Alligator mississippiensis TATE, K*; SWART, J; EME, J; CONLON, JM; CROSSLEY II, DA; U N Dakota; U N Dakota; U. Cal, Irvine; United Arab Emirates Univ; U N Dakota Dehydration can have a significant impact on reptilian development. Embryos of the American alligator […]
Development of oxygen stores and muscle in Northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) limits on juvenile foraging ability
Meeting Abstract 105.2 Thursday, Jan. 7 Development of oxygen stores and muscle in Northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus): limits on juvenile foraging ability? SHERO, M.R.*; LESTYK, K.C.; ANDREWS, R.D.; BURNS, J.M.; St. Mary’s College of Maryland; University of Alaska, Anchorage; Alaska SeaLife Center; University of Alaska, Anchorage Northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) population numbers have been […]
Cardiovascular plasticity during development in the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)
Meeting Abstract 105.3 Thursday, Jan. 7 Cardiovascular plasticity during development in the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) EME, J; HICKS, J ; CROSSLEY II, D A*; U Cal Irvine; U Cal Irvine; U N Dakota The vertebrate cardiovascular (CV) system becomes operational early in embryonic development, and, therefore, must function and continue to mature both anatomically and […]
Bradycardia Redefined A Variable Cardiovascular Dive Response in Dolphins
Meeting Abstract 105.5 Thursday, Jan. 7 Bradycardia Redefined: A Variable Cardiovascular Dive Response in Dolphins NOREN, S.R.*; WILLIAMS, T.M.; KENDALL, T.; CUCCURULLO, V.; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; The Dolphin Experience, Freeport, Bahamas The textbook description of the dive response for marine mammals is marked decrease […]
What does it take to exercise while holding your breath The underlying secrets of myoglobin regulation in seal muscle cells
Meeting Abstract 105.1 Thursday, Jan. 7 What does it take to exercise while holding your breath? The underlying secrets of myoglobin regulation in seal muscle cells. DE MIRANDA JR., M.A.*; CABLE, A.E.; KANATOUS, S.B.; Colorado State University ; Colorado State University; Colorado State University The purpose of this study was to determine if cultured Weddell seal […]
Geometric characterization and phenotypic plasticity in the tracheal networks supplying insect flight muscle
Meeting Abstract 104.2 Thursday, Jan. 7 Geometric characterization and phenotypic plasticity in the tracheal networks supplying insect flight muscle WATERS, James S*; HARRISON, Jon F; Arizona State University; Arizona State University Tracheal networks extend throughout the metabolic tissues of insects and are responsible for providing pathways for the transport of critical respiratory gasses. The structure of […]
Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide levels affect metabolism and shell formation in oysters Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin)
Meeting Abstract 104.5 Thursday, Jan. 7 Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide levels affect metabolism and shell formation in oysters Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin) SOKOLOVA, I.M.*; IVANINA, A.; LIEB, N.; KUROCHKIN , I.; BENIASH, E.; University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC; University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA; University of North Carolina […]
Diffusive and conductive effects of sand on gas exchange in sea turtle nests
Meeting Abstract 104.3 Thursday, Jan. 7 Diffusive and conductive effects of sand on gas exchange in sea turtle nests O’CONNOR, M.P.*; SUSS, J.; SOTHERLAND, P.R.; SPOTILA, J.R.; Drexel Univ.; Drexel Univ.; Kalamazoo Coll.; Drexel Univ. Sea turtles bury their nests deeply (25-100 cm) in beach sand, thus limiting nest predation and extremes of thermal and hydric […]