Meeting Abstract 54-1 Sunday, Jan. 5 10:15 – 10:30 Genomic signatures of selection across the oxygen transport cascade in high-altitude deer mice SCHWEIZER, RM; JONES, MR; BRADBURD, GS; WOLF, CJ; SENNER, NR; STORZ, JF; CHEVIRON, ZA*; University of Montana; University of Montana; Michigan State University; University of Montana; University of South Carolina; University of Nebraska; University of […]
sessions: Session 54
Evidence of positive selection in genes known to regulate fertilization in Mustelids
Meeting Abstract 54-7 Sunday, Jan. 5 11:45 – 12:00 Evidence of positive selection in genes known to regulate fertilization in Mustelids GUERRA CANEDO, VI*; HART, MW; KOEPFLI, KP; Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC and Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, Washington, DC; Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC; Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, Washington, DC Gamete-recognition proteins (GRG), expressed […]
Comparative analysis of venom complexity and diet diversity in rattlesnakes using a novel, genome-wide phylogeny
Meeting Abstract 54-6 Sunday, Jan. 5 11:30 – 11:45 Comparative analysis of venom complexity and diet diversity in rattlesnakes using a novel, genome-wide phylogeny HOLDING, ML*; STRICKLAND, JL; RAUTSAW, RM; MASON, AJ; HOFMANN, EP; HOGAN, MP; COLSTON, TJ; NYSTROM, G; GRAZZIOTIN, F; GIBBS, HL; ROKYTA, DR; PARKINSON, et al., CL; Florida State University, Clemson University; Clemson University; […]
Adaptation to Life in Acid Mine Drainage Transcriptomics and Molecular Evolution in Western Mosquitofish
Meeting Abstract 54-3 Sunday, Jan. 5 10:45 – 11:00 Adaptation to Life in Acid Mine Drainage: Transcriptomics and Molecular Evolution in Western Mosquitofish COFFIN, JL*; KELLEY, JL; TOBLER, M; Kansas State University; Washington State University; Kansas State University The world has seen an unprecedented increase in anthropogenic inputs of numerous elements since the onset of the […]
Lighton, J. R. B.*; Turner, R. J.: WATER AND CARBON DIOXIDE FLUX IN THE FLUTTER PHASE OF THE INSECT DISCONTINUOUS GAS EXCHANGE CYCLE (DGC). The insect DGC is characterized by extreme variations in carbon dioxide release and oxygen uptake rates. During the flutter or F phase of the DGC, oxygen diffuses inwards from a ca. […]
The Discontinuous Gas Exchange Cycle in Insects May Serve to Reduce Oxygen Supply to the Tissues
BRADLEY,T.J.: The Discontinuous Gas Exchange Cycle in Insects May Serve to Reduce Oxygen Supply to the Tissues The discontinuous gas exchange cycle (DGC) in insects, consists of a closed phase (C) during which the spiracular valves at the openings of the tracheae are closed, a flutter phase (F) when the spiracles open and close rapidly, […]
Postprandial changes in cardio-respiratory responses of the Savannah monitor (Varanus exanthematicus
CROSSLEY, D. A.*; HICKS, J. W.; BENNETT, A.F.: Postprandial changes in cardio-respiratory responses of the Savannah monitor (Varanus exanthematicus Cardio-respiratory control has been well characterized in numerous endothermic vertebrates, however our understanding of these systems in ectothermic vertebrates remains poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to thoroughly assess the cardiovascular and pulmonary responses […]
How does the respiratory response to hypoxia change throughout ontogeny in a grasshopper and a caterpillar
GREENLEE, K.J.*; HARRISON, J.F.; EGBERT, K. : How does the respiratory response to hypoxia change throughout ontogeny in a grasshopper and a caterpillar? As insects age, body size can increase dramatically. For example, grasshoppers (Schistocerca americana) grow to 100 times their original mass, and larval tobacco hornworms (Manduca sexta) increase an impressive 7,000-fold from hatchling […]
Hovering performance of hummingbirds in hyperoxic gas mixtures
Altshuler, D.L.*; Chai, Peng: Hovering performance of hummingbirds in hyperoxic gas mixtures We present a test of the hypothesis that inspiration of hyperoxic air increases hummingbird hovering performance when birds are challenged aerodynamically. We measured the maximum duration of hovering flight and the simultaneous oxygen consumption of ruby-throated hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris) in low density heliox […]
Variation in growth of Brown-Headed Cowbird nestlings and energetic impacts on their host parents
KILPATRICK, A.M.: Variation in growth of Brown-Headed Cowbird nestlings and energetic impacts on their host parents. I tested several hypotheses about the plasticity of avian growth by comparing growth of Brown-Headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) nestlings in twenty different host species. Cowbird growth was positively correlated with site latitude (which negatively co-varied with maximum temperature) and […]