Establishing Standards for Video Data Management

SICB Annual Meeting 2017
January 4-8, 2017
New Orleans, LA

Workshop: Establishing Standards for Video Data Management

January 8, 2017, 12:00-1:30pm (brownbag), Room 215/216

Video recordings have been a growing source of data in organismal biology for several decades. With advances in high-speed and X-ray videography, uses of video now commonly span biomechanics, physiology, behavior, and many other fields. Advances in data storage and management have led to large collections of video data, which have potential for big-data and meta-analysis. Data sharing through large data bases is an increasingly common practice in many areas of ecology, evolutionary biology, and bioinformatics, but consideration of such ‘open data’ practices is more recent in organismal biology.

The goal of this workshop is to begin establishing common practices for video data storage and sharing across the fields of integrative and comparative biology. Discussion will focus on identifying best practices for video data management, developing a participatory framework to establish standards, and developing and deploying established standards.

the Society for
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