TAL-K-12 Scientific Outreach for the K-12 Audience

SICB Annual Meeting 2016

January 3-7, 2016
Portland, OR

Workshop: TAL-K-12: Scientific Outreach for the K-12 Audience

January 6, 2016, 7:00-9:00pm

Please join us for this year’s TAL-X “TAL-K-12: Scientific Outreach for the K-12 Audience”. This workshop will address how K-12 outreach efforts fit into broader impacts for funding proposals, give you a chance to hear from an NSF officer on broader impact, provide an opportunity to learn from each other’s successes and “interesting experiences”, and provide suggestions for assessing outreach. Our research, academic institutions, and communities are very diverse. The TAL-K-12 workshop will therefore also address how to determine what kind of outreach is right for your own situation. Our schedule also include breakout time to discuss your own ideas and open discussion time. The workshop runs from 7-9pm on Wednesady evening, January 6th, and we will provide pizza for dinner. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Whitenack (lwhitena@allegheny.edu).

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