Key transitions in animal evolution

SICB 2007 Symposium

Phoenix, Arizona
January 3 – 7, 2007

Key transitions in animal evolution

Organized by B. Schierwater, S. Dellaporta & R. DeSalle





Vicki Pearse

Institute of Marine Sciences, University of California

Real-World Placozoans: Beyond the Genome (AMS Past Presidential Address, held on Jan. 4, Room 213AB)

Ferdinando Boero, Stefano Piraino

DiSTeBA , University Lecce, Italy

Cnidarian milestones in metazoan evolution

Emma Steenkamp, Yu Liu, Daniel Darmon, Gertraud Burger, Franz Lang

University of Montreal, Canada / University of Pretoria, South Africa

The evolutionary transition from protists to Metazoa: mitochondrial genome organisation, and phylogenomic analyses based on nuclear and mitochondrial genes

David K. Jacobs, Scott Nichols, Volker Hartenstein, Nagayasu Nakanishi, David Yuan

UCLA / UC Berkeley

Origins of Sensory and Neural Organization in Basal Metazoa

G�nter Wagner

Yale University

Do Genome Duplications Play a Role in Key Transitions?

Neil W. Blackstone

Northern Illinois University

Redox signaling and the transition from basal metazoans to bilaterians

Paulyn Cartwright, Allen G. Collins

University of Kansas / Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC

Rocks and Clocks: Integrating Fossils and Molecules to Date Transitions in Early Animal Evolution

Mark Q. Martindale

University of Hawaii

The developmental basis of body plan organization in the Eumetazoa

Danielle de Jong, David J. Miller, Bernd Schierwater, David C. Hayward, Eldon E. Ball

James Cook University, AIMS / Australian National University / ITZ Ecology & Evolution

Implications of cnidarian gene expression data for the origins of bilaterality � is the glass half full or half empty?

Michael E. Akam, C. Brena, A.C. Chipman, J. Eriksson, A. Peel

University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge UK

The origin(s) of segmentation

Peter W H Holland

University of Oxford

More than one way to make a worm

Heike Hadrys, Bernd Schierwater, Rob DeSalle, Wolfgang Jakob, Werner Schroth, Stephen Dellaporta

ITZ, Ecology and Evolution / Dept. of Molecular Cellular and Developmental Biology, Yale University / AMNH

Total Evidence Analysis Identifies Placozoa as Basal to Extant Metazoa

the Society for
Integrative &