In the Babonis Lab, we use the dynamic processes of embryogenesis and tissue morphogenesis to understand how novel traits arise. We seek to hire a highly motivated junior research technician (postbac) and a senior technician (lab manager) to work in a research lab dedicated to studying the cellular, molecular, and developmental biology of cnidarians (corals, sea anemones, jellyfish).
Primary responsibilities for the technicians will be to support ongoing research in the lab and to oversee maintenance of the animal colony (sea anemones, tube anemones, and corals). Animal maintenance includes preparing seawater, maintaining animal-safe conditions, cleaning animal dishes, feeding/preparing adults for spawning, and caring for embryos. This portion of the research requires the ability to carry 5 gallons of water (~40 lbs) over short distances. The technicians will also assist in the generation and phenotypic analysis of mutations produced by genome editing (CRISPR/Cas9) in sea anemones. Analyses associated with this research include extracting genomic DNA, performing PCR and gel electrophoresis, molecular cloning, and basic DNA sequence analysis. The technicians will analyze phenotypes in wildtype and mutant animals using in situ hybridization, immunofluorescence, and RNA extraction for quantitative PCR. Many of these techniques will require the use of microscopy (light, confocal, and electron microscopy). An additional portion of the work will involve general lab maintenance, including: ordering and organization of consumables, assisting in the training of incoming students and postdocs in relevant techniques, and summarizing data, preparing figures, and reporting results at lab meetings. Specific duties will be coincident with experience.
Both positions are full-time (39 hrs/wk), one-year appointments with the possibility of extension annually based on continued available funding and successful work performance. Review of applications will begin May 1, 2022 and the positions will remain open until filled.
For additional details and to apply, visit:
Junior tech position (postbac):—Dept-of-Ecology—Evolutionary-Biology—Technician-III_WDR-00030793-1
Senior tech position (lab manager):—Dept-of-Ecology—Evolutionary-Biology—Technician-IV_WDR-00030794-1