The MechMorpho/Davidson Lab at the University of Pittsburgh is seeking a creative and collaborative Postdoctoral Associate to study adaptation of cells and organisms to the Deep Ocean. Life in the deep ocean (> 5000 m) can experience extremely high hydrostatic pressures that would ordinarily denature proteins critical to multicellular organisms. Despite this seemingly harsh environment, many organisms thrive and reproduce. We are taking a comparative approach to identify pressure-protective pathways in deep sea organisms and to test these adaptations within surface-dwelling organisms (Xenopus frogs, zebrafish, and Nematostella anemone). The candidate will join a collaborative research network of material scientists, theorists, biophysicists, engineers, and marine biologists whose goal is to create biomimetic materials and structures based on these adaptations. The position is funded for 2+ years by the Bio-Inspired Material Architectures for Deep Sea (BIMADS) program. Successful candidates will include those with experience in live-cell imaging, bioinformatics, and/or comparative biology.
This Postdoctoral Associate will be responsible for leading a bioinformatic survey of pressure adapted organisms and developing live cell assays to assess pressure-protective pathways on non-adapted organisms. The researcher will benefit from a strongly interdisciplinary environment within the Davidson Lab and cross-disciplinary collaborations with biophysicists and cell biologists working to bridge engineering and molecular cell biology.
Interested applicants should send an email to Lance Davidson ( and apply to requisition number 23007522 at Pitt Talent Center by visiting Interested individuals should submit: (1) CV, (2) statement of research interest and purpose, (3) unofficial copy of full UG and Grad transcripts, (4) email and phone number for three references. This position will remain open until filled.