Three postdoctoral positions are available (starting immediately) in the Riffell laboratory at the Department of Biology, University of Washington, Seattle WA, USA. Our laboratory is committed to having an inclusive and accepting environment. Mentoring and open communication are essential aspects of the laboratory. Applicants with experience in neurophysiological or behavioral approaches are preferred, although not required. The most important aspect of this position is curiosity-driven science.
- A postdoctoral position on visual and olfactory integration in mosquitoes. The project focuses on olfactory coupling between visual and olfactory systems in the Aedes aegyptimosquito. The project is an NIH-funded project for five years.
- A postdoctoral position on the effects of biogenic amines on mosquitoes. The four-year project examinesthe effects of ingested biogenic amines on Anopheles stephensi mosquito behavior and physiology.
- A postdoctoral position on olfactory learning in mosquitoes. This three-year project examinesappetitive and aversive learning of host cues in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. The project spans electrophysiological and neurogenetic approaches and quantitative behavioral assays.
Interested applicants should reach out and email a single PDF document containing a cover letter and CV and include the names and contact information of 3 references to:
Jeff Riffell
Department of Biology,
Graduate Program in Neuroscience
University of Washington
Box 351800
Seattle, WA 98195-1800