Michigan State University: Assistant Professor

Posted on October 11, 2022

The Department of Integrative Biology at Michigan State University (MSU) is seeking applications for a tenure-system Assistant Professor faculty position in quantitative ecology or evolutionary biology, broadly interpreted. The successful applicant will have a PhD in a relevant field (with postdoctoral experience preferred) and be able to demonstrate expertise and leadership in cutting-edge computational and quantitative research in ecology or evolutionary biology(e.g., statistical methods development, novel applications of cutting edge quantitative methods, or other advanced modeling of natural systems), and evidence of a potential to establish an externally funded research program and to make significant contributions to graduate and undergraduate teaching and mentoring. The search is open to researchers working in any taxonomic space and at any level of biological organization. The successful candidate will actively participate in the interdisciplinary graduate program in Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior (EEB)as a core faculty member, and contribute to graduate level teaching in the EEB program’s newly revamped quantitative course sequence.

The Department of Integrative Biology (IBIO) has research strengths in ecology, evolution, behavior, and organismal biology, as well as a strong undergraduate teaching mission and active involvement in multiple interdepartmental graduate programs, including EEB. With  > 100 graduate students and 70 core faculty, EEB at MSU is one of the most successful graduate programs in the university and is highly ranked nationally and internationally. The EEB core curriculum provides students with broad training encompassing experimental, field, and theoretical approaches to the study of ecology, evolutionary biology, and behavior, as well as the computational, mathematical, and statistical methods used in these fields.

MSU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer, committed to achieving excellence through a diverse workforce and an inclusive culture that encourages all people to reach their full potential. We actively encourage applications from women, persons of color, veterans, persons with disabilities and individuals who can contribute to the intellectual diversity and cultural richness at MSU. MSU is committed to providing a work environment that supports employees’ work and personal life, and offers employment assistance to the spouse or partner of candidates for faculty and academic staff positions.

Application materials should be submitted to the MSU Applicant Page (MAP) for faculty positions (online at https://careers.msu.edu/en-us/job/512493/assistant-professortenure-system; Job number 818541) as a single, concatenated PDF document that includes:

  1. A cover letter that frames the application in context of this ad and the Department of Integrative Biology and Graduate Program in EEB at Michigan State University.
  2. A curriculum vitae, including a list of publications, accepted proposals for funding or other resources, contributed or invited presentations, teaching and mentoring experiences, leadership positions, contributions to the academic community, and public outreach efforts. Other professional information may also be included, as the applicant sees fit.
  3. A summary of research focus including the relevance of the research, research accomplishments, and future research plans. This statement should also describe past experiences with and future plans to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in research (e.g., through grant-funded research, publications, etc.).
  4. A description of teaching and mentoring philosophy, experiences, goals, and plans to address these goals. This statement should also describe past experiences with and future plans to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in teaching and mentoring (e.g., through mentoring, pedagogy, etc.).
  5. The names and email contact information for three individuals who can provide reference letters. References will be contacted for candidates selected for a short list of candidates.
  6. A copy of one lead-author publication that the applicant would most like the search committee to read (can be included as a separate file, if combining is problematic).

Please title each section of your application PDF.

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Review of applications will begin on 15 November 2022.

Questions can be addressed to the Search Committee c/o Fred Dyer (Search Committee Chair): fcdyer@msu.edu

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