Case Western Reserve University: Postdoctoral Position for Optimizing Biohybrid Devices for Odor Detection

Posted on June 28, 2022

Successful candidates will join a multidisciplinary research program aimed at using insect and mammalian models to study olfactory sensory neurobiology and develop olfaction-based biohybrid systems. Once successful, a system like this could be used to assess human health conditions or serve as the olfactory system for a mobile robot. Our lab employs an arsenal of diverse tools to model neurological diseases, replicate nervous system architecture and organization, and create health-monitoring sensors inspired by central and peripheral nervous system physiology. The interdisciplinary research team comprises members with varied expertise in biology, engineering, and other relevant areas.

There is one opening for postdoctoral researcher to conduct olfaction-related studies and build chemical sensing devices. The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in electrophysiological recording of neural activity and its analysis. Knowledge of olfaction, electrophysiological recording from insect antennae), immunohistology, programming languages (especially Python and Matlab) and computer-aided design is an advantage. The postdoctoral researcher is expected to be open to creativity and learning new skills, occasionally train graduate and undergraduate lab mates, and significantly contribute to the drafting of research papers and proposals.

The initial appointment is for one year with a possible extension, based on performance and funding. Salary will be commensurate with experience and University guidelines. Women and underrepresented minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.

Interested and qualified candidates should send their curriculum vitae, a cover letter outlining research experience and interests, and the contact information of two references to Dr. Angela Dixon at

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