Bucknell University: Faculty Position

Posted on July 3, 2023
The Psychology Department and Animal Behavior Program at Bucknell University invite applications for an open-rank, tenure-track faculty position in the area of Animal Behavior with a research focus on non-human primates, beginning August, 2024. Bucknell houses three species of socially housed non-human primates that will support the teaching and scholarly research of the successful candidate.

The successful candidate will maintain an active research program that utilizes our on-campus population of non-human primates, generates peer-reviewed publications, and involves mentorship of undergraduates. As part of our faculty and staff non-human primate facility management team, an ideal candidate will demonstrate an interest in future leadership in this area.

As part of the five-course per year teaching load, the successful candidate will be expected to teach from among the following courses: animal behavior, an advanced research methods course, an advanced seminar in the candidate’s area of expertise, and one of the Psychology Department’s introductory courses (Introduction to Psychology, Research Methods in Psychology, or Psychological Statistics).

A Ph.D. degree in Psychology, Animal Behavior, or closely related field is required by the start of the appointment. We welcome candidates who demonstrate excellence in reflective multicultural and inclusive teaching practices, and who display a strong commitment to collaboration and interdisciplinarity. More details at the link below:
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