POSITION: The Department of Biology at Appalachian State University invites applications for the position of Department Chair, starting July 1st, 2022. Qualified candidates will have an earned doctoral degree in a biological discipline and a record of excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service commensurate with an appointment at the rank of Associate or Full Professor.
Appalachian State University: Chair, Dept of Biology
Posted on October 27, 2021
Tenure Track with Administrative Duties
QUALIFICATIONS: Qualified candidates will have a demonstrated capacity for innovative and collaborative leadership, evidence of administrative capabilities, a record of productive scholarship in a biological discipline, success in obtaining extramural funding, experience with undergraduate and graduate education, and documentation of strong teaching abilities. Desired qualifications include evidence of interpersonal communication skills, commitment to shared governance, collaboration and consensus-building across biological disciplines, and the ability to manage interdisciplinary or interdepartmental partnerships. We are particularly interested in candidates who have demonstrated experience engaging with diversity through activities such as fostering an inclusive environment, working with students and faculty from diverse backgrounds, and/or incorporating diverse perspectives in leadership, research or teaching.
For more information please go here: https://appstate. peopleadmin.com/postings/30671