Meeting Abstract
S9.7 Friday, Jan. 7 Thermal genetic adaptation in the water flea Daphnia and its impact – an experimental evolution approach DE MEESTER, Luc*; STOKS, Robby; VAN DOORSLAER, Wendy; GEERTS, Aurora; ORSINI, Luisa; University of Leuven; University of Leuven; University of Leuven; University of Leuven; University of Leuven Luc.DeMeester@bio.kuleuven.be
We present results on rapid genetic adaptation to a change in temperature in an experimental evolution trial, using naturally occurring within-population genetic variation in the water flea Daphnia magna. Genetic adaptation was quantified both through life table and competition experiments – reflecting changes in fitness – as well as by a measure of thermal tolerance. Competition experiments with putative invading genotypes from populations that are expected to be pre-adapted to higher temperatures because of their geographic location confirmed an impact of evolution on establishment success of immigrant genotypes. We discuss these results in a broader context and provide perspectives on reconstructing genetic adaptation to ongoing climate change in natural populations.