Meeting Abstract
P2.47 Wednesday, Jan. 5 Technology in the college classroom: current trends, opportunities, and limitations ROARK, A.M.*; GRAYBEAL, C.D.; LETTAU, L.M.B.; Hood College, Frederick, MD; Hood College, Frederick, MD; Hood College, Frederick, MD roark@hood.edu
In today’s rapidly changing technological landscape, college professors are serving a population of increasingly “connected” students. Most of these students expect their institutions to embrace (or at the very least, to understand) technology both inside and outside of the classroom. As such, faculty members are urged to adopt progressive and innovative pedagogical strategies that will prepare their students for lives and careers in a technologically advanced society. To determine how technology is utilized at a small liberal arts college, we implemented a campus-wide survey that assessed the current and projected uses of technology by faculty both inside and outside of the classroom. Our results indicated that a majority of responding faculty members currently require their students to access web-based course and grade management software, use multiple (typically Windows-based) computer programs, access websites and campus servers, read digital documents, and view digital videos and images. Faculty also indicated a desire to adopt e-books that permit electronic highlighting and annotation and to facilitate the use of “digital ink” (or stylus functionality for transcribing electronic notes). The results of the survey will be presented in conjunction with an analysis of a variety of electronic devices that are currently being used on college campuses around the country. The functionalities and limitations of various devices will be discussed as they relate to their potential utility both inside and outside of the classroom. Particular attention will be paid to the use of technology in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) classrooms.