Meeting Abstract
P2.66 Saturday, Jan. 5 NSF Undergraduate Research and Mentoring in Biology at CSU Fullerton: Southern California Ecosystems Research Program HOESE, W.J.*; SANDQUIST, D.R.; California State University Fullerton bhoese@fullerton.edu
The Southern California Ecosystems Research Program (SCERP) is a two-year undergraduate research training program funded by NSF – Undergraduate Research and Mentoring in Biology (previously Undergraduate Research and Mentoring in Environmental Biology) that supports annual cohorts of 5. Our goal is to engage underrepresented minority and urban-raised students in understanding the ecology of changing southern California ecosystems via field research, while preparing scholars for graduate school. The program has three major components: an intensive summer field course, independent research with faculty mentors, and weekly group research and professional training meetings during the academic year. The summer field course builds a community of scholars through skills training and social bonding. Faculty mentor individual scholars through independent research that culminates in a senior thesis. First-year scholars present research at national undergraduate conferences (e.g., SACNAS) and advanced scholars present research at discipline-based conferences. Scholars participate in ethics training and prepare for graduate programs. Our annual research showcase celebrates accomplishments and offers family and friends insight into the SCERP experience, which has been critical for developing family support for our underrepresented students. Institutional support provides release time, a room where scholars gather, field vehicles, and a collaborative atmosphere where faculty are recognized and rewarded for their ongoing mentoring of undergraduate research. Career paths are diverse and over the past 10 years, 39 students have completed the program; 35 are active in biology/ecology, 27 students have been accepted to, enrolled in, or completed graduate degrees; 8 PhD and 19 MS.