Meeting Abstract
P2.83 Saturday, Jan. 5 A potential novel factor involved in the regulation of metamorphosis onset in the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum. CHENG, C.*; KO, A.; SUZUKI, Y.; Wellesley College; Wellesley College; Wellesley College ysuzuki@wellesley.edu
Postembryonic development, such as metamorphosis, is characterized by major morphological and physiological changes. This process relies on the interactions between many hormonal and neuroendocrine factors. Of particular interest is the POU domain transcription factor, ventral veins lacking (vvl), which has been shown to be important in regulating neuronal development. This study aimed to examine the role of vvl in the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, and to elucidate its potential interactions with neuroendocrine factors, such as juvenile hormone (JH) and ecdysone. RNA interference-mediated silencing of vvl expression was found to induce precocious metamorphosis. Furthermore, ectopic application of JH or methoprene, a JH analog, prolonged the larval stage. Together with the inhibition of molting, these results indicate that Vvl might act to repress neuroendocrine changes associated with metamorphosis. A model of how Vvl interacts with JH and ecdysone will be presented.